Page Numbering with Fancyfoot: Overlays the Default Page Numbering
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Page Numbering with Fancyfoot: Overlays the Default Page Numbering

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Are you tired of the default page numbering in LaTeX? Do you want to add some creativity and flair to your documents? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the world of page numbering with Fancyfoot, a powerful package that overlays the default page numbering in LaTeX.

What is Fancyfoot?

Fancyfoot is a LaTeX package that allows you to customize the footers and headers of your document. It provides a range of features, including page numbering, that can be tweaked and tailored to suit your needs.

Why Use Fancyfoot for Page Numbering?

There are several reasons why you might want to use Fancyfoot for page numbering:

  • Flexibility**: Fancyfoot provides a high degree of flexibility when it comes to page numbering. You can customize the format, font, and layout of the page numbers to suit your needs.
  • Customization**: Fancyfoot allows you to add custom text or symbols to the page numbers, giving you the freedom to create unique and creative page numbering schemes.
  • Consistency**: Fancyfoot ensures consistency in page numbering throughout your document, making it ideal for academic papers, theses, and other long documents.

Getting Started with Fancyfoot

Before we dive into the world of page numbering with Fancyfoot, let’s take a step back and cover the basics.

Installing Fancyfoot

To use Fancyfoot, you’ll need to install it in your LaTeX distribution. The exact steps will vary depending on your LaTeX distribution, but here’s a general overview:


Loading Fancyfoot

Once you’ve installed Fancyfoot, you’ll need to load it in your LaTeX document. You can do this by adding the following code to your preamble:


Basic Page Numbering with Fancyfoot

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s move on to the fun part – page numbering with Fancyfoot!

Default Page Numbering

By default, Fancyfoot will overlay the default page numbering in LaTeX. To activate this feature, simply add the following code to your preamble:


This will center the page number at the bottom of each page.

Customizing Page Numbering

But what if you want to customize the page numbering? Fancyfoot makes it easy!

For example, let’s say you want to add the word “Page” before each page number. You can do this using the following code:

\fancyfoot[C]{Page \thepage}

This will produce a page numbering scheme that looks like this:

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

Advanced Page Numbering with Fancyfoot

Now that we’ve covered the basics of page numbering with Fancyfoot, let’s move on to some more advanced techniques.

Multiple Page Numbering Schemes

What if you want to use different page numbering schemes for different parts of your document? Fancyfoot makes it easy!

For example, let’s say you want to use Roman numerals for the front matter (title page, table of contents, etc.) and Arabic numerals for the rest of the document. You can do this using the following code:


This will produce a page numbering scheme that looks like this:

i, ii, iii, iv, 1, 2, 3, ...

Conditional Page Numbering

What if you want to add conditional statements to your page numbering scheme? Fancyfoot makes it easy!

For example, let's say you want to add a custom message to the page footer when the page number is odd. You can do this using the following code:

    \thepage\ (Odd page)

This will produce a page numbering scheme that looks like this:

1 (Odd page)
3 (Odd page)

Troubleshooting Common Issues

As with any LaTeX package, there may be times when things don't quite work as expected. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Issue Solution
The page numbers are not appearing. Check that you've loaded the fancyfoot package and that you've defined the page numbering scheme using \fancyfoot.
The page numbers are not centered. Check that you've used the [C] option when defining the page numbering scheme. This centers the page number at the bottom of each page.
The page numbers are overlapping with other elements. Check that you've adjusted the margins and padding to accommodate the page numbers. You can do this using the \fancyfootmargin command.


And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to page numbering with Fancyfoot in LaTeX! With its powerful features and flexibility, Fancyfoot is an essential tool for anyone looking to customize the page numbering in their LaTeX documents.

Whether you're creating an academic paper, thesis, or book, Fancyfoot provides a range of possibilities for creative and effective page numbering schemes. So why settle for the default page numbering in LaTeX when you can create something truly unique and impressive with Fancyfoot?

Happy LaTeXing!


For more information on Fancyfoot and its features, be sure to check out the following resources:

  • The fancyfoot package documentation (fancyfoot.pdf)
  • The LaTeX Wikibook (
  • The TeX Stack Exchange (

Happy learning!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with page numbering and Fancyfoot overlays? Worry no more! Here are the answers to your burning questions:

Why does Fancyfoot overlay the default page numbering?

Fancyfoot overlays the default page numbering because it's designed to provide a more customizable and flexible way of handling page numbers. By default, Fancyfoot takes precedence over the standard page numbering, allowing you to create unique and stylish page designs.

Can I disable Fancyfoot's page numbering overlay?

Yes, you can! Simply add the `disable` option to your Fancyfoot configuration, like this: `\usepackage[disable]{fancyfoot}`. This will allow the default page numbering to take precedence.

How do I customize Fancyfoot's page numbering style?

You can customize Fancyfoot's page numbering style using various options, such as `font`, `size`, `color`, and more. For example, you can use `\renewcommand{\footfont}{\small\itshape}` to change the font style and size. Refer to the Fancyfoot documentation for a complete list of customization options.

Can I have different page numbering styles for different sections of my document?

Absolutely! Fancyfoot allows you to define different page numbering styles for different sections of your document using conditional statements and LaTeX's built-in sectioning commands. For example, you can use `\ifsection{}{}{}` to switch between two different styles.

What are some common use cases for Fancyfoot's page numbering overlay?

Fancyfoot's page numbering overlay is commonly used in academic papers, theses, and dissertations to create unique and personalized page numbering styles. It's also useful for creating custom headers and footers for reports, proposals, and other professional documents.

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