Mastering Pattern Rules in Make: Old vs. Modern Format Explained
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Mastering Pattern Rules in Make: Old vs. Modern Format Explained

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Are you tired of tedious build processes and confusing Makefiles? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of pattern rules in Make, exploring the differences between old and modern formats. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of Makefile crafting, effortlessly building and managing your projects.

What are Pattern Rules in Make?

In Make, pattern rules are a way to specify how to build a target file from a set of dependencies. They’re the backbone of any Makefile, allowing you to define the build process and relationships between files.

target: dependencies

In the example above, `target` is the file to be built, `dependencies` are the files required to build the target, and `command` is the action to take to create the target.

Old Format Pattern Rules

The old format pattern rules, also known as “suffix rules,” were introduced in early versions of Make. They’re still supported in modern Make implementations, but have some limitations.


In this format, `.suffix1` and `.suffix2` are the file extensions, and `command` is the action to take to transform a file with `.suffix1` extension into a file with `.suffix2` extension.

For example, to compile a C source file into an object file, you would write:

    $(CC) -c $<

This rule tells Make that to build a `.o` file from a `.c` file, use the `$(CC)` command with the `-c` option and the `$<` automatic variable, which refers to the first dependency.

Limitations of Old Format Pattern Rules

While old format pattern rules are simple and easy to use, they have some significant limitations:

  • No support for pattern matching**: Old format pattern rules can only match exact file extensions, making them inflexible.

Modern Format Pattern Rules

Modern format pattern rules, introduced in Make 3.82, offer a more flexible and powerful way to define build rules.

pattern: dependencies

In this format, `pattern` is a pattern that matches the target file, `dependencies` are the files required to build the target, and `command` is the action to take to create the target.

For example, to compile a C source file into an object file, you would write:

%.o: %.c $(headers)
    $(CC) -c $<

This rule tells Make that to build a `.o` file from a `.c` file, use the `$(CC)` command with the `-c` option, and the `$<` automatic variable, and also include the `$(headers)` dependencies.

Advantages of Modern Format Pattern Rules

Modern format pattern rules offer several advantages over old format pattern rules:

  • Pattern matching**: Modern format pattern rules support pattern matching, allowing you to match files with complex names.
  • Additional dependencies**: You can specify additional dependencies beyond the implicit ones.
  • Multiple targets**: Modern format pattern rules can generate multiple target files.
  • Improved flexibility**: Modern format pattern rules offer more flexibility in defining build rules.

Pattern Rule Examples

Let's explore some examples of pattern rules in action:

Example 1: Compiling C Source Files

%.o: %.c $(headers)
    $(CC) -c $<

This rule compiles a C source file (`%.c`) into an object file (`%.o`) using the `$(CC)` command and the `-c` option, including the `$(headers)` dependencies.

Example 2: Building an Executable

exe: $(objects)
    $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@

This rule builds an executable (`exe`) from a set of object files (`$(objects)`) using the `$(CC)` command with the `$(LDFLAGS)` flags, and the `$^` automatic variable, which refers to all dependencies.

Example 3: Generating Dependency Files

%.d: %.c
    $(CC) -M $< > $@

This rule generates a dependency file (`%.d`) from a C source file (`%.c`) using the `$(CC)` command with the `-M` option, which generates dependency information.

Best Practices for Pattern Rules

When writing pattern rules, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep it simple**: Use simple and concise patterns to avoid confusion.
  2. Use automatic variables**: Take advantage of Make's automatic variables, such as `$<` and `$@`, to make your rules more flexible.
  3. Define dependencies explicitly**: Specify dependencies explicitly to avoid implicit dependencies.
  4. Avoid overlapping patterns**: Ensure that your patterns don't overlap, causing unexpected behavior.
  5. Test and validate**: Thoroughly test and validate your pattern rules to ensure they work as expected.


In this article, we've explored the world of pattern rules in Make, covering the differences between old and modern formats. By mastering pattern rules, you'll be able to write efficient, flexible, and maintainable Makefiles, streamlining your build processes. Remember to follow best practices, keep your rules simple, and take advantage of Make's automatic variables.

Format Advantages Disadvantages
Old Format Simple, easy to use Limited flexibility, no pattern matching, no additional dependencies
Modern Format Flexible, pattern matching, additional dependencies

Pattern rules are a powerful tool in Make, and by understanding the differences between old and modern formats, you'll be able to write more efficient and effective Makefiles. Happy building!

Feel free to ask questions or share your experiences with pattern rules in Make in the comments section below.

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Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on pattern rules in make, from old to modern format!

What's the difference between old and modern pattern rules in make?

In old pattern rules, the target and prerequisites are specified on the same line, separated by a colon. In modern pattern rules, the target and prerequisites are specified on separate lines, with the prerequisites indented under the target. Modern pattern rules are more flexible and easier to read, making them the preferred choice for new makefiles.

Can I mix old and modern pattern rules in the same makefile?

While it's technically possible to mix old and modern pattern rules in the same makefile, it's not recommended. The two formats have different syntax and semantics, which can lead to confusion and errors. Stick to one format throughout your makefile to ensure clarity and maintainability.

Are there any specific scenarios where I should use old pattern rules?

If you're working on a legacy project that relies on an older version of make, you may need to use old pattern rules for compatibility reasons. However, for new projects or when working with modern versions of make, it's recommended to use modern pattern rules for their flexibility and readability.

How do I convert old pattern rules to modern pattern rules?

To convert old pattern rules to modern pattern rules, simply separate the target and prerequisites onto separate lines, and indent the prerequisites under the target. You can also take this opportunity to refactor your makefile, simplifying your build process and making it more efficient.

Are modern pattern rules supported by all versions of make?

Modern pattern rules are supported by make 3.82 and later. If you're working with an older version of make, you may need to use old pattern rules or upgrade to a newer version of make.